Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Chest Pains and ER Visit

As we were on our way home today, Keeg started to have chest pains again. Whereas the chest pains he's had before only lasted arpx 5 minutes, this one didn't go away. He started out having a sharp pain in his lower left chest. The pain then, within seconds, was also in his upper right chest. Keeg has situs inversus totalis (all organs on opposite side of body). He then got sharp pains behind his eye and an instant painful headache at the back of his head. He began to have pain in his ear and jaw. At this point in time he had turned very white and was in obvious pain. His left leg followed by his groin area began to hurt. He then flushed a dark red and told me he needed the air conditioner on. Over the next couple of minutes both legs, feet and his lower stomach begin to hurt. He described it as, "All the pain I've ever had in my whole life is happening right now at the same time." As the pain in his chest and head (the worst two pains) intensified, he became lightheaded and simultaneously weak. He felt very sleepy but said he was scared if he went to sleep he'd never wake up again. He has also been having a constant back pain that intensified.

Upon arriving at the hospital he was skipped ahead of everyone else in the ER and taken back. His blood pressure was taken upon arrival, and he was then taken back for an EKG and a chest x-ray. He was kept on a heart and oxygen monitor. His blood pressure was not taken again. He also had a blood test done to check some kind of enzyme. During his chest x-ray he again experienced sharp chest pains, but at that time he was not hooked up to any monitors.

The results of the EKG and chest x-ray, as well as the blood enzyme test, was normal. The ER doctor told me that he could go home but could not do any strenous activity. He could not run, play, experience stress, etc. He told me to call the cardiologist that he was referred to, tell them we were seen in the ER for chest pains, and that he needs an echocardiogram done immediately. He said that the fact that Keeg's pain moved to multiple places (two different locations in his chest and then other parts of his body) was a good sign and meant it probably wasn't his heart.

Upon arriving home I looked at the discharge papers I was given. It says he is to follow up with his regular doc in 1-2 days. It also says that although his EKG and X-ray were normal, sometimes "the signs of a serious problem take more time to appear". I am then told to "return promptly or contact his doctor if any of the following occur:  1) A change in the type of pain such as it feels different, becomes more severe, lasts longer, or begins to spread into your shoulder, arm, neck, jaw or back. (Considering the pain in his chest spread to each of these areas, I'm sure you can see my concern). 2) Also, shortness of breath or increased pain with breathing. He's already experiencing that as well and hospital personnel saw it first hand. 3) Weakness, dizziness, or fainting. Keeg had to have assistance getting his jacket and shoes on and had to be taken out by wheelchair due to how dizzy and weak he is. He needed assistance to get into the vehicle. He needed help getting home and due to how weak he is, he's sleeping in the clothes he wore today as he's to weak to change clothes.

It's a bit disconcerting (OK, a LOT) that the doctor felt he needed an echocardiogram ASAP but that one could not be done while we were at the hospital. It's also disconcerting that the doctor would say the pain being in multiple places is a "good sign" when the paperwork we were sent home with seems to say the opposite. It's also disconcerting that the ER doctor feels that getting a quicker appointment with  a pediatric specialist is as simple as a parent calling the specialist!  Overall, it's disconcerting that my son had the worst pain he's had in his life, and we were sent home with no answers.

Please keep him in your prayers. I am getting on the phone with each of his specialist tomorrow and insisting that they get him in with the geneticist and cardiologist immediately. I'll do whatever it takes for this to happen. Today's events, on top of what else has been happening is quite frightening. Please keep praying for Keeg.

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