Monday, November 14, 2011

Lung Biopsy and Various Updates

I haven't had much time lately to update regarding Keeg. So, this will cover several different topics.

First, the labs that were drawn by the Immunologist showed that Keegan is still suffering from low white blood cells, low red blood cells, and low platelets. This has been a continual problem for 10 years, and as of yet there is still no answer. The good news was that, apart from this, the other labs showed that his immune system is functioning normal. Do I completely understand how his labs can be so off, and his immune system working correctly? No, I don't. But at least the latter part is good news.

Keeg has a referral to a hematologist. The hematologist will be addressing his chronic abnormal lab counts and attempting to determine a cause.

The immunologist also feels that Keeg has Cilia Immobility Disorder. This is linked to Situs Inversus, which Keeg has. Five years ago I approached several doctors and requested that Keeg be tested for Cilia immobility. I was consistently told that he couldn't have this, because he didn't have recurring lung infections. He did however have chronic sinus infections. Those sinus infections and his Situs Inversus led me to think he may have cilia immobility, but I could not find a doctor to test. Keeg will now be seeing an ENT that will perform a lung biopsy. With cilia mobility, the actual cell structure of the lungs are changed.

In recent years, it's been determiend that the brain has cilia. When this cilia is not functioning normally, it can cause chronic severe headaches. Keeg has suffered recurring migraines since he was 4 years old. In addition, Keeg has suffered severe acid reflux and projectile vomiting, all of which can be caused by cilia immobility.

I don't have a lot of information yet regarding what will be done if he does have cilia mobility or what the prognosis is. I do know that if this is the case, Keeg will most likely be sterile and unable to father children biologically. This is something that I've known since he was several weeks old. At the time of his birth, it was known that sterility was associated with situs inversus, but no one knew why.

Keeg has also received his results from his auditory processing testing. Keegan has an auditory processing disorder in “Tolerance-Fading Memory”. Children with TFM are unable to process and remember instructions when there is background noise. In addition, when in a noisy environment, Keegan becomes stressed and will often try to get away (flight reaction) or become aggressive (fight reaction). TFM is also expressed in the following ways. First, it may appear that Keeg often “ignores” people, especially if engrossed. He hears less well, or less attentive/productive in ordinarily busy surroundings. He has difficulty following a series of spoken directions and is unusually forgetful of information previously memorized such as correct spelling, household or school routines and responsibilities, despite frequent reminders.

Keegan also has a “phonemic decoding deficit”. Also, Keegan scored at age level in “number memory reversed” and at a 17 year old level on “word memory”. He scored slightly below average (13 year level) on “number memory forward”. However, in sentence memroy, he scored at an 8 ½ year old level. Keep in mind, all these scores are for auditory processing and have nothing to do with what he sees written.

You'd figure that with the auditory processing issues and his health problems, Keeg has enough on his plate. Yet, this isn't the case. We got Keeg's evaluation results from his neuropsychologist. Keegan received his “official” diagnosis of Asperger's. I'm still awating the evaluation to come in the mail. Intellectually, Keeg is quite adept. When it comes to intellectually knowing what a person should or should not do, or feel, in a certain social situation, Keegan is aware. However, when it comes to his perceiving these situations when he is in them, he is unable to do so. Keegan doesn't understand the majority of what happens in a day regarding people. He misses things such as facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language. He takes what is said literal and doesn't understand what is really meant. He is unaware of what is considered socially acceptable. There is so much more that I could list. What's worse is that when I asked for a referral for someone that specializes in working with children with Asperger's, I was told that there is no one in our area.

Keegan's OT evals came not to long ago. They show gross motor delays and sensory integration dysfunction. The gross motor delays result in his being unable to use both sides of his body simultaneously. This means he is unable to do things like ride a bike or jump rope. He also means he has difficulties in cutting with scissors. Keegan's sensory integration dysfunction is why he isn't aware that his clothing is twisted, his shoes are untied, or that there is food on his face. Occupational therapy will help correct these issues.

Please take the time to follow the links below to learn more about Keeg's health concerns. He has a lot to deal with right now. At an age where all kids want to be accepted, he's learning that he doesn't understand a lot of what goes on in a day. He's frustrated, uncertain, and at times even depressed by it all. Please keep him in your prayers. Learn more about the battles he faces daily at the following links:

Aspergers Syndrome:

Chronic Neutropenia:

Chronic Thrombocytopenia

Chronic Anemia:

Central Auditory Processing Disorder:

Sensory Integration Dysfunction:

Cilia Immobility Disorder:

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